People working together

adesso Blog

It goes without saying that being a mother is hard. Yet, when you add a heavy workload to maternal life, being a mom can become a real challenge. As if you work in a full-time job that requires creativity and human psychology training, no material reward in return. According to Eurostat Database, only 62.7% of mothers with young children (less than six years old) were employed in the European countries in 2019, compared to 89.1% of fathers with young children. In my opinion, these statistics are of particular interest to mothers in the IT field, where women as a whole are underrepresented and can make actual contributions.

In the Turkish IT sector, the situation is even worse. The rate of female employees is only 10% and most of the women in this category are women who have not yet had children. I believe, our duty as adesso Turkey is to create an environment in which all women and especially mothers in IT will not encounter the glass ceiling that prevents them from promoting and to ensure that all women are competing on equal terms with men. Although our female employment rate is far ahead of the sector with 30%, this issue is very open to improvement.

What are we doing to improve the situation?

This year, our humble gift to mothers in adesso will be to organize a special event on Mother's Day to bring the challenges that mothers face in this industry into view. Because we believe that not only IT companies but all need to be aware of the challenges facing mothers at work and these types of gatherings would be great opportunities to raise awareness among all teams. Also, to support and honor women’s labor and collaboration, we will send a package provided by Bergama Women's Cooperative and Sasalı Producer Women to mother adessi’s as a small gift.

Happy Mother’s Day to all.

Picture Meral Beyaz

Author Meral Beyaz

Meral Beyaz is Chief People & Culture Officer at adesso Turkey.