Sustainable Future

Impact - Oriented adesso – Sustainable Future and Social Good Report

We started our journey with “Good 4 Future” motto in order to create a sustainable future and social good. And now we are very proud to publish the very first “Impact-Oriented adesso” report!

Upon selecting six specific United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we’ve aligned each of our social good efforts to these goals.

While we learn and develop together with all adessis, we want to adopt sustainability not just as a concept but also as a philosophy. We want to adapt it to our adesso culture and the way of doing business.

We promise that we will continue to report the outcomes of our sustainability and social good strategy, which are shaped with the participation of our stakeholders in a transparent manner. From now on, every year!

Good 4 Environment

We aim to strengthen the partnerships for sustainable development while ensuring the access to reliable and sustainable energy. As adesso, we believe that we must act ethically and accordingly to the nature by reducing our carbon footprints and increasing the number of the environmentally friendly projects under our very well accepted and applied “Good4Environment” title. We are ready to search for the key solutions to global threads such as climate crisis and we maintain zero waste partnerships.

Good 4 People

We believe that everybody is equal, and talents must be supported from every gender till every age! In order to promote equality between genders and support new skills, we seek for young talents from high school level and support them with various projects. Also, by making regular university visits, we want to assist the young innovators in their career path. We respect human rights and work very hard for everyone to receive the education they need for a better future and sustainable environment!

Good 4 IT

Within our inclusive software development initiatives such as Green Coding; we want to minimize our harm to the nature and support sustainability by creating zero-carbon effect! Also we aim to increase the number of woman employees in the tech sector and combat gender inequality. In IT tech sector, we are trying very hard to ensure and promote learning opportunities equally for everyone. We want to strengthen our global partnerships for sustainable development in IT sector.

Impact-oriented adesso Report 2021- EN Version

Click to download the full report.

Etki Odaklı adesso 2021 Raporu – TR Versiyon

Raporu indirmek için tıkla.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
